Soohee Yu
1. Courses Taught
∙Drums Ensemble Workshop
∙Rhythm Training
∙Drums Principal Instrument
2. Education
∙Bachelor of Music, Conservatorium Van Amsterdam
3. Career Highlights
∙Adjunct Lecturer at SJA Music Institute
∙Adjunct Lecturer at Pai Chai University
∙Recording with Park Sunyoung (Overdrive ,JR Combo)
Um Gieung ( Before Sunset )
SSaW ( Concert For The One )
∙Performances at Pentaport Rock Festival, Dongducheon Rock Festival, Time To Rock Festival, Jarasum Jazz Festival, John Anson Ford Amphitheatre(USA), North Sea Round Town(Netherlands), Bimhuis(Netherlands), Doelel(Netherlands), Rembrant Museum(Netherlands), Gent Jazz Festival(Belgium), Hi Seoul Festival, Cheongnamdae Jazz Tonic Festival, Melody Forest Festival, Paju Folk Festival, JUMF Festival. Soundbound
∙Performances and recording with artists including Shin Haecheol, Kim Sucheol, Spring Summer Autumn Winter( SSaW), Hairam Bullock, Bitgwa Sogeum, Han Yeongae, Lyn, Byul ,Jeong Dongha, Ali, Yun Dohyeon, 10cm, Urban Zakapa